Thank you to all species, all races, and all colors of humanity. Now
is the time to be thankful for the magnificent blessing of being on
the earth.
It is time for humankind to utilize our opportunity of life, knowledge
and communication to assert higher levels of personal responsibility
and activism.
Now is the time to join together to bring forth the best humanity has
to offer, cherish our planet, preserve its life and honor the earth.
This is a special time in the history of humanity.
We are benefitting from the technological advancement that enables us
to reach a higher level of human capability and perception.
It is important to utilize this opportunity and freedom that we now
have to promote action to be sure we have clean air, pure water and
food and safe energy to continue to live healthy lives.
It is time to be aware that we are a part of the force of nature of
our planet that nurtures life.
We are the free and fortunate ones.
In this new era, now is the time to join together to bring forth the
best humanity has to offer, cherish our planet, preserve its life and
honor the earth. learn
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